The following acts are prohibited and shall be considered nuisance acts:
   (A)   To produce noise from any type of watercraft or motorized vehicle including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, model cars, mini-bikes, go carts, all-terrain vehicles, unlicensed motorized vehicles, motorized toys, or any other type of motorized vehicle in a manner as follows:
      (1)   To use or permit to be used any motorized vehicle that is so out of repair, or loaded, or otherwise operated or maintained in a condition such that the vehicle creates loud and unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling or any other loud, raucous, or disturbing noise;
      (2)   To operate any motorized vehicle without a muffler, or with a defective or damaged muffler, such that the vehicle emits an unreasonably loud, annoying, or disturbing noise, or to operate any motorized vehicle with a muffler that is constructed or built to intentionally emit an unreasonably loud, annoying, or disturbing noise;
      (3)   To sound any horn or any type of signal device from, on, or in any type of vehicle except when the horn or signal device is used as a warning device;
      (4)   To use any siren or similar device upon any vehicle, other than police, fire, or other emergency vehicles authorized or required by law to maintain such a device;
      (5)   To race the engine of any motor vehicle while such vehicle is not in motion, except when necessary, so to do in the course of repairing, adjusting, or testing the same;
      (6)   To race the engine of any motor vehicle while such vehicle is in motion;
      (7)   To drive a motor vehicle in such a manner as to cause a tire or tires to spin, skid, slide, or slip and thereby make loud, raucous, disturbing, or excessive noise. This includes, but is not limited to, the operation of a motor vehicle in such a manner that the friction between the tires and pavement create or make a loud, disturbing, or unnecessary noise. This is commonly known as burning rubber or scratching off;
      (8)   To play or operate any radio, cassette player, CD/DVD player, or any other sound producing device, instrument, or apparatus installed in and/or located in, on, or adjacent to any type of watercraft or motorized vehicle such that the speaker volume is clearly audible from more than 30 feet from the vehicle regardless of whether said vehicle is traveling on a public or private street, parked on public or private property, or stopped in traffic. The operator or possessor of said vehicle is the responsible party;
      (9)   To create any loud, raucous, or disturbing noise in connection with the loading or unloading of any vehicle, or the opening and destruction of bales, boxes, crates, and containers; and
      (10)   To use an unmuffled engine compression brake system, also known as Jake brake, except in cases of emergency or necessary for the protection of persons and/or property.
   (B)   Operating or permitting the operation of any mechanical devices or loudspeaker, without a permit to do so, in a fixed or movable position exterior to any building in such a manner that the sound therefrom is in excess of the maximum decibel level as described in § 91.18;
   (C)   Operating or permitting the operation of any power saw, sander, drill, grinder, leaf blower, lawn mower, or other garden equipment or tools of a similar nature, outdoors during nighttime;
   (D)   The use of firing explosives, firearms, fireworks, or similar devices which create impulsive sound; and
   (E)   The sounding of a security alarm, for more than 20 minutes after being notified by law enforcement personnel.
(2003 Code, § 17-306) (Ord. passed 9-27-2021) Penalty, see § 91.99
   Traffic on streets, see Title VII