(A)   All persons under the age of 16 who operate a bicycle on a public street, right-of-way, or on any property owned and operated by the town shall wear a helmet which is securely fastened under the chin and which meets either of the following:
      (1)   Standards established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI); or
      (2)   Standards established by the Snell Memorial Foundation’s 1984 standards for protective headgear.
   (B)   No person shall operate a bicycle on a public street, or right-of-way, or on any property owned and operated by the town which is equipped to hold two or more persons unless all passengers under the age of 16 wear a helmet which is securely fastened under the chin and which meets the specifications outlined in division (A)(1) above.
   (C)   The first violation of this section shall be dismissed upon the submission by the offender of proof of purchase of protective gear meeting the standards described herein. Any subsequent violation shall subject the offender to a civil penalty not to exceed $50. If the offender is under the age of 16, the parent, guardian, or custodian of the offender shall be responsible for payment of the civil penalty.
(Ord. COA-2023-01, passed 2-13-2023)