There is imposed a fee upon any vehicle's current registered owner, the legal owner, or his or her designate, seeking to obtain a vehicle impound release from the police department where such vehicle has been impounded pursuant to the provisions of the California Vehicle Code. Such a vehicle impound release indicates to the towing company in possession of the impounded vehicle that the police department no longer has a hold on the vehicle and that it is cleared to be released. The vehicle impound release fee shall be set forth by resolution. (Ord. 92-10 (part), 1992)
The vehicle impound release fee shall not be applied to impounded vehicles which meet any of the following criteria:
A. When the vehicle is a recovered stolen vehicle and the vehicle is being released to the registered owner or his/her designate [Vehicle Code Section 22651(c)];
B. When the vehicle was taken as evidence, or as the container of evidence or as a part of a criminal investigation and the owner of the vehicle was a witness to or a victim of a crime and not the suspect in such investigation;
C. When the vehicle was impounded in error;
D. When the chief of police or designate determines after a post-storage hearing where one has been requested, that the facts disclosed at such hearing warrant a waiver of the fee;
E. When the vehicle was stored pursuant to injured or ill drivers of an accident [Vehicle Code Section 22651(g)]. (Ord. 92-10 (part), 1992)