Chapter 1.06 CITY INSIGNIA
1.06.010 Purpose.
   This chapter is established in order to prevent the unauthorized use of the city seal, city logo, or any other city insignia, thereby protecting the city's identity and brand, and to avoid confusion regarding official communications from the city to the general public.
(Ord. O-2021-003, § 1, 2021)
1.06.020 Definitions.
   For purposes of this chapter the words and phrases defined in this section mean as follows:
   A.   "City insignia" shall mean all seal(s), logo(s), or other official insignia of the City of Pismo Beach enumerated and particularly identified in administrative rules and regulations adopted from time to time by the City Manager.
   B.   "City logo" shall mean the standard brand insignia of the City of Pismo Beach used to publicly convey the identity, authority, or endorsement of the city government, as adopted by the City Council and particularly identified in administrative rules and regulations adopted from time to time by the City Manager.
   C.   "City seal" shall mean the legal, corporate insignia of the City of Pismo Beach, as more particularly identified in administrative rules and regulations adopted from time to time by the City Manager.
(Ord. O-2021-003, § 1, 2021)