(A)   Rental license. The Code Official shall issue a rental license to an owner who:
      (1)   Pays the application fee required in this section;
      (2)   Files a written application in accordance with this chapter;
      (3)   (a)   Complies with this chapter and the rules, regulations and ordinances applicable, including the version of the International Property Maintenance Code as adopted, the Ohio Residential Code, the Ohio Basic Building Code, the City of Piqua Development Code, and other codes adopted regulating property maintenance as well as the safety of structures and incidental equipment and mechanicals.
         (b)   At the time of registration, if the property has no reported code violations, and up until the time of an inspection or issuance of a search warrant for the property, it shall be presumed that the property complies with the International Property Maintenance Code, the Ohio Residential Code, the Ohio Basic Building Code, and the Piqua Development Code for registration purposes.
      (4)   Has no outstanding fees due and owing pursuant to this section and does not have any delinquent fines as the result of a conviction for the failure to comply with any chapter of these codified ordinances; and
      (5)   Has no delinquent or unpaid taxes or assessments on the property so licensed, whether in owner’s name or prior occupant’s name.
   (B)   Denial of license. The Code Official shall not grant a rental license if he or she determines the requirements referenced in division (A) above have not been satisfied or if the dwelling unit to be rented constitutes a threat or danger to the health, safety or public welfare of the community or the inhabitants or potential inhabitants of the dwelling unit to be rented.
      (1)   The Code Official may give notice of intent to revoke a rental license at any time he or she determines a continued nonconformity constitutes an immediate threat or danger to the health, safety, or public welfare of the community, or the inhabitants or potential inhabitants of the dwelling unit to be rented, and the owner may not rent the subject property until a rental license is issued in accordance with this chapter.
      (2)   Any denial or revocation of a rental license shall be set forth in writing providing the reasons why the dwelling unit to be rented does not conform to this chapter. The denial or revocation of a rental license shall be subject to the appeal procedure provided for in § 109.08 of this chapter.
(Ord. 6-23, passed 9-5-23)