(A)   Rules and regulations shall be established for the rental of any park facility. All rules and regulations shall be reviewed by the Park Board and approved by the City Manager. All renters shall receive a copy of the rules and regulations upon rental. Such rules and regulations shall include the possibility of the security deposit being forfeited for non-compliance.
   (B)   Smoking in parks.
      (1)   Pitsenbarger Park. Smoking will only be permitted in the parking lots. All other areas will be deemed non-smoking, including all of the athletic fields and bleachers.
      (2)   Fountain Park. There will be no smoking permitted in the bleachers or within 50 feet of the fence at Hardman Field. Hance Pavilion, which is already non-smoking inside, will not allow smoking on the concrete walkway, which abuts to the fence of the facility.
      (3)   Mote Park Softball Fields. There will be no smoking permitted in the bleachers or within 50 feet of the fence.
      (4)   All other city parks shall permit smoking in designated areas only, which shall be designated by signage. In no park shall there be smoking within 50 feet of a playground or within 50 feet of the entrance to a building or within 50 feet of the parameter of a picnic shelter or other structure.
      (5)   A violation of § 94.24(B) is a minor misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $150 for a first offense. The penalty for each subsequent offense is enhanced from a fourth degree misdemeanor up to a first degree misdemeanor, with such penalty as that as being established by the Ohio Revised Code.
   (C)   Confetti, glitter, non-biodegradable items are not permitted in any park. Any such items left in a park will be considered litter and are subject to littering penalties allowed by law.
(‘97 Code, § 97.28) (Res. C-6916, passed 3-16-81; Am. Ord. 14-88, passed 3-21-88; Am. Ord. 19-93, passed 6-7-93; Am. Ord. 8-96, passed 3-4-96; Am. Ord. 26-06, passed 8-7-06; Am. Ord. 11-10, passed 4-20-10; Am. Ord. 10-16, passed 7-5-16; Am. Ord. 13-22, passed 11-1-22) Penalty, see § 10.99