(A)   Any person, persons, firm, or corporation who owns, keeps or harbors three or more rabbits on any premises within the corporation limits of the city must keep the same in a building or structure used exclusively for that purpose, and which building or structure shall be located 75 feet or more from any other building, house, or structure which is used for human occupancy or habitation, or where food is sold, served, or otherwise handled. The building or structure must have a ceiling of not less than seven feet in height from the floor, at any point, with sufficient windows and opening to furnish light to all points of the building or structure. Ventilation shall be sufficient so as to furnish six complete changes of air per hour, and all openings must be fully screened so as to keep out flies and other insects. The floor of the building or structure must be of concrete and free from flaws or cracks, and graded and sloped so that the floor will properly drain to a floor drain, which is to be connected to a sanitary sewer and vented. The foundation of the building or structure must be of a height of not less than six inches above the floor level, or have a cement baseboard at lease six inches in height.
   (B)   The hutches, cages, or pens in which the rabbits are kept or harbored must be at least 16 inches in height, 30 inches in width, and 40 inches long. Hutches, cages, or pens shall not be placed or erected on top of each other over three hutches in height. Hutches may have a steel or wood frame. The top and sides must be covered with galvanized wire netting and a -inch mesh galvanized wire floor, with a watertight galvanized iron drip pan of not less than 16-gauge, and shall be large and sufficient enough to catch all drippings and waste. The drip pans shall be at least one inch deep and placed two or more inches under each floor of each hutch, and arranged, built, and erected so that the pans can be taken out for cleaning and flushing. The hutches must be erected so that they will stand away from any wall, and have an aisle of at least four feet in width between the rows of same.
   (C)   The hutches must also have a proper feed rack and chaff pan for same, but they must be built and erected double, end to end, so one rack and pan can provide for both hutches. Drip pans and floor must be washed, flushed, and disinfected every day from April 1 to October 30, inclusive, of each year, and for the balance of each year the drip pans and floor must be washed, flushed, and disinfected at least every other day. The waste and manure must be kept in tight metal containers with tight and well-fitting lids and disposed of at reasonable intervals. The floor of the building or structure shall be kept free from all obstructions at all times so that it can be easily and readily flushed.
   (D)   Each hutch, cage, or pen shall contain at any one time not more than one rabbit over six months of age except a doe and litter until the litter reaches six weeks of age.
   (E)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, participants in projects sponsored by 4-H Club or similar organizations may apply for exemptions from one or more restrictions contained in § 90.04(A), provided:
      (1)   The participant establishes his or her bona fide and current affiliation with the 4-H Club or similar organization to the satisfaction of the Health and Sanitation Officer.
      (2)   The participant submits a comprehensive and written description of his or her proposed project, satisfactory to the city Health and Sanitation Officer (which shall in no event provide for keeping more than 24 rabbits).
      (3)   The participant maintains and fulfills the project in complete conformity with his or her written description satisfactory to the Health and Sanitation Officer.
(‘97 Code, § 91.18) Penalty, see § 90.99