(A)   (1)   All construction projects shall have an erosion control plan as governed by the Design Specifications issued by the City of Piqua Engineer. Stormwater specific plans will be uploaded into the electronic permit application, being used by the city at that time.
      (2)   Should the property owner fail to submit an erosion control plan, a cease and desist order from any further construction shall be issued until an erosion control plan is submitted. The specifics of the plan shall be governed by the Design Specifications issued by the City of Piqua Engineer.
   (B)   The rate of run-off leaving a completed construction site shall be controlled in accordance with the Design Specifications issued by the City of Piqua Engineer.
      (1)   Should the enforcement officer determine that the post construction run-off rate is in violation of the Design Specifications, a cease and desist order shall be issued. The property owner shall immediately notify the enforcement officer of the remedy.
      (2)   Should the run-off rate not be corrected within the timeline issued by the enforcement officer, the property owner shall be fined $250 for the violation.
      (3)   Should the same property have a subsequent violation, the property owner on all subsequent violations shall be assessed a civil fine of $500 if not remedied within the issued timeline.
      (4)   Should the same builder/developer/customer have multiple run-off rate issue, or combination of run-off and other stormwater issues, they may be barred from construction activities within the city for a period of time determined by the City Manager.
   (C)   The civil fine does not prohibit the City of Piqua from pursuing other remedies or exercising its rights with regards to the construction project not being completed in accordance with the Design Specifications.
(Ord. 3-18, passed 3-20-18; Am. Ord. 5-18, passed 4-17-18; Am. Ord. 12-22, passed 11-1-22)