(A)   The Utility shall be administered and managed by the City Manager or his or her designee who shall have the responsibility for planning, developing, and implementing stormwater management and sediment control plans; financing, constructing, maintaining, rehabilitating, inspecting, and managing stormwater facilities; collecting fees and charges for the Utility; implementing and enforcing the provisions of this code; promoting public awareness of the progress and activities of the utility; making recommendations regarding proposals for amendments to this chapter, including, but not limited to, service charges, rules, and regulations; and other related duties.
   (B)   For the protection of the public health, safety, welfare, and economic equality of the city and its inhabitants a stormwater Utility manages, maintains, operates, repairs, constructs, reconstructs and enlarges the city's MS4. The stormwater Utility is administered by the Utilities Director. The City of Piqua Utility Board also will be made aware and comment on stormwater related issues.
(Ord. 18-09, passed 11-2-09; Am. Ord. 5-10, passed 3-16-10; Am. Ord. 3-18, passed 3-20-18; Am. Ord. 5-18, passed 4-17-18 ; Am. Ord. 12-22, passed 11-1-22)