(A)   (1)   When any consumer requires an additional line or requires additional water for fire protection in excess of that required for his or her normal domestic requirements, a meter or meters for such lines shall be installed to the current specifications of, and at no cost to, the city.
      (2)   All existing fire services which are unmetered or unmonitored with a detector check meter as of January 1, 1993, may continue to operate at their present level of service indefinitely. However, when any fire service which is unmetered or which is unmonitored, by means of a detector check, is changed by the addition of a riser, or by the extension of the fire system, or by replacement of the meter pit, a meter shall be installed in accordance with city specifications.
(‘97 Code, § 54.44) (Am. Ord. 50-92, passed 11-16-92)
   (B)   (1)   Plans and information pertaining to existing fire services shall be filed within 60 days of receipt of written request from the water system for such information. The information and plans shall be the same as required for installation of new fire services.
      (2)   At any time a fire service or system is found to be contrary to, or in violation of these rules and regulations or any ordinance of the city, any changes as are necessary to make the system compliant shall be made within 60 days after receipt of written notice from the water system.
(‘97 Code, § 54.45)
   (C)   (1)   Pipes intended for fire service only shall not be tapped or used for the general or domestic supply of the premises, unless provisions for backflow prevention and metering are in compliance with the water system specifications.
      (2)   (a)   Pipes used for new fire services or fire services changed, altered or extended as in division (A)(1) of this section shall be furnished with a detector check metering device or MFM-MCT meter at the consumer's expense. The metering installed shall be acceptable to the city and shall be able to accept a chart meter, which will show times of flow. Installation of the chart meter by the city shall be done at intervals set by the city.
         (b)   Detector meters will be read and recorded on a monthly basis and a permanent record maintained. Easy access shall be maintained by the consumer for the installation and reading of the meters. If the detector meter or chart meter shows unauthorized flow at any time, the water system shall serve written notice to the consumer to eliminate the unauthorized use. If, at any time thereafter, unauthorized use is evident, the city shall install a full flow metering system on the fire service at the expense of the consumer, and usage shall be billed to the consumer as provided by rates for water consumers.
      (3)   All tanks and cisterns maintained for fire purposes which receive supply in whole or in part from the water system, shall be supplied by metered water. Overflow pipes from fire service tanks or cisterns shall not be directly connected to drains or sewers, and they shall be open to inspection at all times.
      (4)   Jockey pumps used in fire protection systems shall take water from the metered domestic service.
      (5)   No person shall install or maintain a water service connection to any premises where a booster pump has been installed on the service line to or within the premises, unless the booster pump is equipped with low pressure cut-off designed to shut off the booster pump when the pressure in the service line on the suction side of the pump drops to ten pounds per square inch gauge or less. It shall be the duty of the consumer to maintain the low pressure cut-off device in proper working order, and to certify to the water system at least once a year that the device is operable.
      (6)   No arrangements shall be permitted whereby there may be the slightest possibility of river, rain or polluted water entering into the public water supply.
(‘97 Code, § 54.46)
   (D)   (1)   Fire pipes, valves and metering shall be so installed as to be accessible for inspection at all times. No fire service pipes shall be supplied with water until all fixtures and appurtenances have been inspected and approved by the water system.
      (2) Tests performed on private fire systems and apparatus conducted by the consumer or by insurance inspectors shall be subject to the following provision: At least 48-hours advance notice shall be given to the Water System Superintendent and Fire Department that tests are to be performed and the date and approximate time of the tests.
(‘97 Code, § 54.47)
   (E)   No charge shall be made for water used to extinguish fires.
(‘97 Code, § 54.48) (Ord. 31-83, passed 11-7-83; Am. Ord. 20-12, passed 10-16-12; Am. Ord. 11-22, passed 11-1-22) Penalty, see § 10.99