(A)   All water meters shall remain the property of the city. The customer shall be responsible for all damages to or loss of the Water Department's property located upon his or her premises, unless occasioned by the department's negligence. Requests to turn on or off water at the meter shall be made by the customer to the utilities collection office.
(‘97 Code, § 54.17)
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person other than a member of the division of fire in the performance of his or her duties, or an employee of the Water Department to turn a curb stopcock, fire hydrant, or valve, or turn water on or off at a water meter without permission from the Water Department. This division is not to be construed as prohibiting licensed plumbing contractors from operating valves at meters or curbs, but merely to insure notification of the Water Department of the intent to perform these actions.
(‘97 Code, § 54.18)
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to connect a pipe or other appliance to a water line which carries water to a meter so that the water may be obtained without it passing through the meter.
(‘97 Code, § 54.19)
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to knowingly use any water which is not passed through the meter when the premises from which water is used purchases its water from meter measurement.
(‘97 Code, § 54.20)
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any person to connect into a line, pipe, or main belonging to the city unless the tap or connection is made in accordance with the rules of the Water Department.
(‘97 Code, § 54.21)
   (F)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to disobey the orders of the City Manager, the Director of Utilities, the Water Superintendent, or the Fire Chief directing the limitation of or discontinuance of the use of water at the time of a serious fire or water shortage.
(‘97 Code, § 54.22) (Ord. 12-66, passed 4-18-66; Am. Ord. 20-12, passed 10-16-12; Am. Ord. 11-22, passed 11-1-22) Penalty, see § 10.99