(A)   The city will thaw a frozen water service through the water meter box or curb box, whichever is located nearest the property line, no more than once each winter season at any one location. Additional freeze-ups will be thawed by the city at the customer's expense.
   (B)   Thawing frozen water services from the water meter box or curb box, whichever is located nearest the property line, to the points of use is the responsibility of the customer. The customer shall contact the city water system before attempting to thaw any water service lines by electrical means.
   (C)   The city will thaw or replace a frozen meter in an outside setting at any one location no more than once each winter season. Additional frozen meters will be thawed or replaced by the city at the customer's expense.
   (D)   All frozen meters in inside settings will be thawed or replaced by the city at the customer's expense.
   (E)   All expenses incurred by customers shall be billed at then prevailing labor equipment and material costs.
(‘97 Code, § 54.14) (Ord. 20-84, passed 5-7-84; Am. Ord. 20-12, passed 10-16-12; Am. Ord. 11-22, passed 11-1-22)