(A)   The collection of solid waste from houses, buildings, and premises for residential purposes shall be in accordance with the approved rate schedules in the Appendix following this chapter. The current fees shall remain in effect until changed. No householder within the city limits shall be exempt from the provisions of this section without obtaining a special waiver pursuant to (B) below.
   (B)   Special waivers of compliance with (A) above may be granted at the Utility Billing Office to the following. Special waivers may be subject to revocation without notice.
      (1)   Owners of buildings containing four or more apartment units, and who have in force a contract with a commercial hauler to collect solid waste from the apartment units.
      (2)   Commercial or business accounts who have in force a contract with a commercial hauler to collect solid waste from the commercial or business establishments.
      (3)   Participants in the Senior Discount Program. The Senior Discount Program shall be for householders who reside in the city and who are 62 years of age and older or disabled, or who have other hardship reasons approved by the Sanitation Department and also meet income guidelines as established by the Utility Billing Office. The rate for the program shall be 50% of the standard refuse rate.
   (C)   The collection of solid waste and recycling from commercial establishments shall be on the basis of the amount of materials collected from approved containers in accordance with the approved rate schedules in the Appendix following this chapter.
      (1)   A record of the number of containers shall be maintained by the Sanitation Department. Solid waste and recyclables must be placed in approved containers to comply with the specifications herein.
      (2)   Collection of fees shall be made by the Utility Billing Office as a separate item on each utility bill. The fees shall be assessed against the person or firm in whose name the utility bill is listed.
   (D)   Bulk items shall be collected when placed at normal trash collection points in accordance with department policy. Such items shall be collected at the discretion of the Sanitation Department in reasonable amounts not to exceed three bulk items in one week. Excessive amounts of bulk items placed out for collection may incur additional charges based on the disposal cost.
   (E)   Garbage and refuse may be collected at locations outside the city limits when feasible, at a rate of 150% of the rates listed in the approved rate schedule in the Appendix following this chapter.
   (F)   A delayed payment charge of 5% of each month’s fee shall be added to the month’s billing if not paid within the net payable date of the monthly statement.
(‘97 Code, § 55.08) (Ord. 7-59, passed 2-16-59; Am. Ord. 15-94, passed 3-21-94; Am. Ord. 53-94, passed 11-21-94; Am. Ord. 15-96, passed 3-18-96; Am. Ord. 11-02, passed 5-20-02; Am. Ord. 3-05, passed 4-4-05; Am. Ord. 32-06, passed 1-2-07; Am. Res. R-12-07, passed 1-16-07; Am. Ord. 12-10, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 1-15, passed 2-17-15; Am. Ord. 2-18, passed 2-20-18; Am. Ord. 9-22, passed 11-1-22) Penalty, see § 50.99