(A)   No solid waste shall be collected by the city unless it is placed in approved containers and placed in the proximity of the street or alley or other convenient place for collection as determined by the Sanitation Department. However, the Sanitation Department may collect solid waste at locations other than in the proximity of the street or alley in hardship cases approved through the Fall Prevention Program. Hardship cases are cases in which the Sanitation Department determines there is no able-bodied person in the household.
   (B)   No garbage, refuse or non-combustibles transported into the city from outside the corporate limits shall be collected.
   (C)   Only approved bulk items shall be collected according to department policy.
(‘97 Code, § 55.04) (Ord. 59-78, passed 2-5-79; Am. Ord. 54-79, passed 8-20-70; Am. Ord. 49-89, passed 8-7-89; Am. Ord. 1-15, passed 2-17-15; Am. Ord. 2-18, passed 2-20-18; Am. Ord. 9-22, passed 11-1-22)