(A)   No owner, tenant, or lessee of any public or private premises shall permit to accumulate upon his or her premises any solid waste or recyclable materials, except in approved containers.
(‘97 Code, § 55.02)
   (B)   Solid waste and recyclable materials shall be placed in approved containers which may be provided by the city and, if so provided, said containers shall be and remain the property of the city and remain with the residence, regardless of owner or tenant. Any misuse or destruction of said containers shall subject the person responsible to replacement costs. Should the containers become lost or unusable, they may be replaced by notifying the City of Piqua. The city is authorized to charge a replacement fee in accordance with rules and regulations of the City of Piqua.
   (C)   When approved containers are provided by the city, then no other containers will be approved for collection. No solid waste or recyclable materials will be collected unless it is properly placed in the approved containers (with the exception of bulk items in accordance with department policy).
   (D)   Approved containers are required to be removed from the public right-of-way/street curb area within 24 hours of collection. A penalty fee may be assessed to the Utility account for containers left in the public right-of-way/street curb area.
(‘97 Code, § 55.03) (Ord. C-686, passed 1-2-51; Am. Ord. 49-89, passed 8-7-89; Am. Ord. 1-15, passed 2-17-15; Am. Ord. 2-18, passed 2-20-18; Am. Ord. 9-22, passed 11-1-22) Penalty, see § 50.99