For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROVED CONTAINERS. Shall include the following:
      (1)   Containers provided by customers that are constructed of metal or heavy gauge plastic, with two handles, and in such a manner as to be strong, easily lifted, not easily corrodible, rodent-proof, shall have a capacity not to exceed 32 gallons, have a tight fitting lid and meet the satisfaction of the Sanitation Department.
      (2)   Containers provided by the City of Piqua Sanitation Department for solid waste and recyclables;
      (3)   Paper biodegradable bags for yard waste.
   BOARD. The Board of County Commissioners of Miami County, Ohio, consisting of three members chosen as provided in R.C. Chapter 305.
   BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WASTE. Discarded or unused materials used in the construction of structures and other improvements to real property.
   BULK ITEMS. Discarded appliances, furniture, and other household items that are too large to fit inside a garbage container. Does not include building construction waste, items longer than six feet in length, or items too heavy to be easily lifted.
   COLLECTION. The process of picking up and transporting solid waste from the point of disposition to the point of its ultimate disposal.
   COMMERCIAL HAULERS. Any person, firm or corporation who, for profit, collects or transports solid waste to disposal sites, and when not operating solely under a contract with the city to transport solid waste (collected by the city) from the transfer station.
   DISPOSAL SITE. Any area used by a customer for the disposal of garbage, refuse, or recyclable materials.
   DISTRICT. The Miami County Garbage and Refuse Disposal District No. 1 as that district is described in the records of the Board of County Commissioners of Miami County, and in § 50.20, and as the district may be amended from time to time. The district is now comprised of all the unincorporated area of Miami County and the municipalities of Troy and Piqua, Ohio.
   HAZARDOUS WASTE. The waste as defined in R.C. § 3734.01(J).
   HOUSEHOLDER. The head of a family or one maintaining his or her separate living room or quarters on the premises, and shall include owners, tenants, and occupants of all premises.
   INCINERATORS. Structures built and containing furnaces, machinery and equipment for the destruction, by burning, of solid waste with maximum reduction of volume and a minimum of air pollution, other than for domestic or residential use.
   INDIVIDUAL HAULERS. Persons, firms or corporations using vehicles either owned by them, rented or leased by them, either with drivers or for their use by themselves or by their employees on an occasional basis for the purpose of transporting solid waste produced by them to a point of disposal off their own premises.
   NON-COMBUSTIBLES. Garbage or refuse which will not reduce to ash within 45 minutes at a temperature of 1,800 F. when properly mixed with oxygen from the air for the purpose of burning tree stumps and materials in the nature of earth, sand, bricks, stones, plaster, ashes and other substances which may accumulate as a result of building construction or demolition.
   RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. Materials as determined by the Sanitation Department to be easily reused or repurposed, and be suitable for collection and separation from regular household solid waste to be diverted from the landfill.
   SANITARY ENGINEER. The Sanitary Engineer of Miami County, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Miami County, Ohio, or its duly authorized or appointed assistants acting in its behalf or stead.
   SANITARY LANDFILL. An open area of ground used for the disposal of solid waste where material is deposited under controlled conditions.
   SOLID WASTE. Garbage and refuse other than liquids.
      (1)   GARBAGE. Shall include the following:
         (a)   Discarded animal and vegetable organic matter.
         (b)   All putrescible wastes from public, private and residential structures.
         (c)   GARBAGE does not include hazardous waste, recognizable industrial byproducts, non-combustibles, rubbish or building construction waste.
      (2)   REFUSE. Shall include the following:
         (a)   Discarded non-organic materials generated from commercial, industrial and/or residential sources within the city which are of a size and weight suitable for containment in receptacles designated for garbage and refuse.
         (b)   REFUSE shall not include liquids or hazardous wastes, recognizable industrial by- products, non-combustibles or building construction waste.
   TRANSFER STATION. A site owned or leased by the city where solids waste is deposited by city personnel for pick-up and removed by a person, firm, or corporation under contract with the city.
(‘97 Code, § 55.01) (Ord. C-686, passed 1-2-51; Am. Ord. 40-68, passed 11-4-68; Am. Ord. 49-89, passed 8-7-89; Am. Ord. 1-15, passed 2-17-15; Am. Ord. 2-18, passed 2-20-18; Am. Ord. 9-22, passed 11-1-22)