(A)   The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator may exercise the emergency power and authority necessary to fulfill his or her general powers and duties. The judgment of the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, or a proclamation of the Mayor, shall be the sole criterion necessary to invoke emergency powers. The City Commission may convene to confirm its legislative and administrative powers as the situation demands and shall receive reports relative to the activities being performed. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as abridging or curtailing the powers or restrictions of the Mayor or City Commission as provided by the city Charter.
   (B)   The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator may obtain vital supplies, equipment and other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of the health, life and property of the people and bind the city for the fair value thereof, without monetary limitation.
(‘97 Code, § 34.27) (Am. Ord. 36-99, passed 11-15-99)