(A)   Personal property not needed for public purposes. Personal property, other than scrap, which is not needed for any of the departments of the city, may be disposed of as follows:
      (1)   By sale by sealed bid to the highest and best bidder, following notice on the city website and the public access station at least ten business days prior to the opening of bids.
      (2)   By live public auction.
      (3)   By internet auction. Notice of internet auction will be posted on the city website at least five calendar days prior to commencement of bidding.
      (4)   By sale, donation or agreement to another government jurisdiction without the requirement of competitive bidding.
      (5)   By trade-in for credit at the time of the purchase of replacement property, provided that trade-in value is established separately from the purchase price of the replacement property, and can be verified to represent fair market value for the traded property.
      (6)   By destruction upon the determination by the City Manager that the surplus property must be destroyed for public safety reasons.
      (7)   By donation to an appropriate charitable organization with the approval of the City Manager. No property shall be donated to the benefit of any private individual, private company or for- profit organization.
   (B)   Computer equipment. If the personal property is computer equipment which, in the judgment of the IT Director with approval of the City Manager, has no market value because of its age and/or obsolescence, the Purchasing Agent may dispose of such equipment as most beneficial to the city, including donation to a non-profit organization or by discarding such equipment.
   (C)   Scrap. Personal property that has become unsuitable for use or personal property that has been condemned as useless by the City Manager or his or her designee shall be sold by the purchasing agent for the best price obtainable without advertising for bids.
   (D)   Any property donated shall be done so by written agreement that includes the proper release language as approved by the Law Director and the acceptance of the property in an "as is" condition.
(‘97 Code, § 34.20) (Ord. C-5, passed 1-6-30; Am. Ord. 1-10, passed 1-19-10; Am. Ord. 8-11, passed 8-16-11; Ord. 3- 12, passed 2-7-12)