(A)   The Purchasing Agent of the city shall supervise all city storerooms and warehouses, and all storekeepers, stockkeepers and all persons employed in storerooms and warehouses. The Purchasing Agent shall have authority to increase or diminish the number of storerooms and warehouses with the approval in each case of the Director of Finance and of the City Manager.
   (B)   He or she shall cause to be keep adequate stock records which shall at all times show the number or amount and the value of all items carried in each storeroom and warehouse, the receipt of all items by the storerooms and warehouses, the cost of all items, the issuance of all items by the storerooms and warehouses of the city departments and offices upon requisition therefor and the charge made thereupon.
   (C))   At the end of each year, the Purchasing Agent shall cause an inventory to be taken of all items in the storerooms and warehouses of the city under his or her supervision, and shall compare the inventory with the stock records of the same day, and shall furnish copies thereof to the Director of Finance.
(‘97 Code, § 30.11) (Ord. C-5, passed 1-6-30; Am. Ord. 22-12, passed 10-16-12)
   Department of Purchase and Supplies, see Charter, sections 45 and 46