(A)   The City Manager is authorized to direct the Director of Finance to draw his or her warrant upon the appropriate fund of the city treasury for the payment of claims not exceeding the statutory amount for competitive bidding as set by state law (currently, R.C. § 9.17), and the City Manager is authorized to settle claims of the city made by or against third persons not in excess of $25,000 per occurrence and not exceeding $200,000 cumulatively per year. The City Manager may require evidence that the amount claimed is justly due and is in conformity with law. For the purpose of such settlements, the City Manager is authorized to sign and accept releases or other contracts of settlement.
   (B)   The City Manager is authorized, at his or her discretion, to subscribe to trade magazines and newspapers, and to join various trade organizations on behalf of the city, providing that no individual membership and subscription shall exceed the sum of $25,000 per annum without first obtaining the authorization of the City Commission.
   (C)   The City Manager is authorized, at his or her discretion to direct the Director of Finance to draw his or her warrant upon the appropriate funds of the city treasury for the purchase of memorabilia, not exceeding $200 per item, as gifts in recognition of public services rendered in the best interest of the city or in recognition of events or achievements relevant to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city.
   (D)   The City Manager shall report any settlements made pursuant to division (A) to Commission within 30 days of settling such claims.
(‘97 Code, § 30.06) (Ord. 4-58, passed 2-3-58; Am. Ord. 66-80, passed 10-20-80; Am. Ord. 42-94, passed 9-6-94; Am. Ord. 21-95, passed 6-5-95; Am. Ord. 11-06, passed 5-1-06; Am. Ord. 22-12, passed 10-16-12; Am. Ord. 7-24, passed 6-4-24)
   City Manager, see Charter, section 30