   (A)   When an abandoned or junked motor vehicle is removed from private property at the request of the owner, lessee, or occupant thereof, the person at whose request such vehicle is removed shall be required to pay or otherwise indemnify the town for any expenses incurred by reason of the removal and storage of such vehicle. When the town removes a junked vehicle from private property, due to a violation of § 90.03, the property owner shall pay to the town all administrative and real costs incurred by reason of the removal. The vehicle owner shall pay to the town all administrative and real costs incurred by reason of the towing, storage, and disposition of the vehicle.
   (B)   The owner of any vehicle removed hereunder from any public street or highway, or any property owned or operated by the town, or any private property, shall pay to the town all reasonable costs incident to the removal and storage of such vehicle and to locating the owner thereof.
   (C)   Written notice of each removal of an abandoned or junked vehicle and of the possible sale or disposition thereof shall be given as promptly as possible to the owner thereof at his or her last known address according to the latest registration certificate or certificate of title on file with the State Department of Motor Vehicles.
   (D)   Notice need not be given to the registered owner when the vehicle does not display a license plate and the vehicle identification numbers have been removed or defaced so as to be illegible.
   (E)   The owner of a towed vehicle may, within 20 days of the notice required by § 90.06, request a hearing before the appropriate town official to contest the towing and charges therefor, pursuant to G.S. § 160A-303.
(Prior Code, § 90.05)
   If an abandoned motor vehicle is worth $100 (value to be determined by the town) or more and should the owner thereof refuse to pay the aforementioned costs or should the identity or whereabouts of such owner be unknown and unascertainable after a diligent search, it shall, after being held by the town for 30 days and after 20 days’ written notice to the registered owner at his or her last known address if his or her identity is known, and to the holders of all liens of record against the vehicle, and to the State Department of Motor Vehicles, be sold by the town at public auction. However, any person having an interest in the vehicle may redeem it at any time before the sale by paying all costs, including administrative and legal fees of the town, which have accrued to date.
(Prior Code, § 90.06)
   The proceeds of the sale of an abandoned motor vehicle shall be paid to the town, and the town shall pay from such proceeds the costs of removal, storage, investigation, sale, and liens, in that order. The remainder of the proceeds of sale, if any, shall be paid over to the registered owner, or held by the town for 60 days if the registered owner cannot be located with reasonable diligence. If the owner does not claim the remainder of the proceeds within 60 days after the sale, the said proceeds will escheat to the state.
   (A)   With the consent of the owner, the town may dispose of any vehicle as a junked motor vehicle without holding it for any prescribed period of time.
   (B)   Any unclaimed junked motor vehicle, as defined by this chapter, shall be held for a period of at least 15 days. The owner of any such vehicle may claim his or her vehicle during the 15-day retention period by exhibiting proof of ownership to the town and after paying all reasonable costs incident to the removal and storage of the vehicle plus administrative expenses. If, after the vehicle is held 15 days, it remains unclaimed, the vehicle may be destroyed or sold at private sales as junk. Within 15 days after final disposition of a junked motor vehicle, written notice thereof shall be given to the State Department of Motor Vehicles that the vehicle has been determined to be a junked motor vehicle and disposed of as such. The notice shall contain as full and accurate a description of the vehicle as can be reasonably determined.
(Prior Code, § 90.08)