(A) No person shall drive a vehicle on a street within the corporate limits of the town at a speed greater than reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
(B) Except as otherwise provided in this title, it shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle in excess of the following speeds:
(1) Twenty mph in any district zoned “Residential,” and the town shall cause signs to be erected giving notice of such speed limit; however, the speed limit on State Highway 11, State Highway 241, and any other street or road maintained by the state may be established by the state and may vary from the provisions set forth hereinabove, and shall be as indicated by signs erected to give notice of authorized speed limit; or
(2) At a rate of speed in excess of the speed indicated by signs erected giving notice of the authorized speed limit.
Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful to start any motor-powered vehicle in motion at an excessive rate of speed.
(Prior Code, § 70.02) Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to yield the right-of-way to any police car, fire truck, or ambulance, providing such police car, fire truck, or ambulance gives adequate notice of its presence.
(Prior Code, § 70.03) Penalty, see § 70.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to turn any motor-powered vehicle around, or partly around, on any street, at any intersection, or on any sidewalk at any excessive rate of speed.
(Prior Code, § 70.04) Penalty, see § 70.99
When any ordinance designates any one-way street or alley, there shall be signs giving notice thereof, and no regulation shall be effective unless the signs are in place. Signs indicating the direction of lawful traffic movement shall be placed at every intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 70.05) (Ord. passed 10-14-1980)
The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign erected at an intersection shall, and in obedience to the sign, slow down and yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian crossing the roadway on which he or she is driving and to any vehicle in movement on the main traveled or through highway or street which is approaching, so as to arrive at the intersection at approximately the same time as the vehicle entering the main traveled or through street or highway.
(Prior Code, § 70.06) (Ord. passed 10-14-1980) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) Except when directed to proceed by a police officer or a traffic control signal, every driver of a vehicle approaching a “stop” intersection and indicated by a “stop” sign, shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection; or, in the event there is no crosswalk, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, or, if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting street where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting street before entering the intersection.
(B) The driver, having stopped in obedience to a stop sign at an intersection, shall proceed cautiously, yielding the right-of-way to all vehicles not so obliged to stop which are approaching the intersection.
(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to stop at any red light within the corporate limits of the town or to disobey any other traffic sign or signal. For the purpose of this section, a red light means stop an amber, a yellow light means caution and slow down, and a green light means go.
(Prior Code, § 70.07) (Ord. passed 10-14-1980) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to have attached to any vehicle any siren of any kind, sort, or description, including bicycles. This section shall not apply to police cars, fire trucks, or ambulances.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to sound any siren or like-sounding instrument, gadget, or attachment. This section shall not apply to police cars, fire trucks, or ambulances when on call.
(C) Chief fire officers can have sirens on their personal vehicles.
(Prior Code, § 70.08) Penalty, see § 70.99