(A)   The Chief and Assistant Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, together or individually, are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to enter any and all buildings and premises within the corporate limits of the town, at any reasonable hour, for the purpose of making inspection of the buildings and premises to ascertain whether or not the same is dangerous to life, health, or other property and whether or not the same is a nuisance.
   (B)   If, as a result of an inspection, the Chief or Assistant Chief is of the opinion that a building or premises is dangerous to life, health, or other property, or that the same is a nuisance, he or she shall immediately ascertain the owners and occupants, or either if both is not to be ascertained, and shall, as soon as practicable, notify the owners, occupant, or both by registered mail. The notice shall state the following.
      (1)   An inspection has been made of certain buildings and premises, or either, on a certain date.
      (2)   The same is a nuisance or is dangerous to life, health, or other property, or both, setting out the reason therefor.
      (3)   If the recipient of such notice desires to be heard on the matter, he or she has ten days within which to notify the Town Clerk in writing, a simple registered letter being sufficient, that he or she desires to be heard on the matter before final action is taken.
      (4)   If no request is made as provided in division (B)(3) above, the Board of Commissioners will decide the matter and will, by ordinance, provide for the necessary remedial action.
      (5)   The costs of remedial action ordered by the Town Board will be a lien against the property involved, the same as ad valorem taxes levied by the town and will be collected in the same manner as taxes.
   (C)   If a request for a hearing is made as provided above, the Town Clerk will immediately notify the Mayor, who will in turn call a meeting, special if necessary, of the Board of Commissioners at a time so that the interested parties shall have ten days notice of such a hearing. When the Mayor sets and calls the meeting or designates a regular meeting to hear and determine the same, the Town Clerk shall immediately notify all interested parties by registered mail of the time and place set for such meeting.
   (D)   At the meeting of the Board to hear and determine the matter, the decisions of the Board shall be in form of an ordinance and shall provide the necessary orders, notices, conditions, and provisions of remedial action.
(Prior Code, § 150.02) (Ord. passed - -)