(A) Standards: Within a Conditional District (CD), petitioners may place additional requirements or standards onto themselves and their property or ask that certain use allowances identified in the specific zoning category or provisions in Chapters 2-12 be decreased. If no specific request is made by the petitioner to the change in the development standards or if the petition is silent on the point, it shall be understood that the underlying zoning district guidelines and standards shall apply.
(B) Exception to Modifications: The applicant may request variations in the specific provisions detailed in Chapters 8 & 9 as part of a Conditional District application except as stipulated in the following table:
| Title
| Limitations to modifications:
| Title
| Limitations to modifications:
8 | Zoning | Uses permitted may not be added unless the use proposed is not currently defined or contemplated by the PDO. Permitted uses may be removed from the petition. |
8.6 | Special Requirements | |
8.6SR-2 9.1 & | General Standards Open Space | Amount required may not be reduced. |
9.4 | Parking | |
9.5 | Landscaping Requirements | No modifications permitted. See Alternate Methods of Compliance. |
9.7 | Signs | Signage may exceed the permitted amount by no more than 50%. |
9.8 | Lighting | |
9.9 | Water & Sewer Requirements | No modifications |
9.13 | Fences | |
9.14 | Design Standards for SF Dwellings | |
9.16 | Site Plan Development Standards | |
9.17 | Subdivision Standards | |
(C) Approval Inclusions: With Conditional District Approval, Special Non Residential Intensity Allocation shall be granted in accordance with adopted Village Policies. If development approvals are not obtained or expired the issuance of the Special Non Residential Intensity Allocation shall be rescinded.
(Ord. 14-35, passed 09-24-2014)