Section 1.2   Statement of Intent of This Ordinance
   The following Statement of Intent shall apply to and guide the implementation and enforcement of the entire Ordinance. All following sections of this Ordinance shall be interpreted as being in furtherance of and consistent with this Statement of Intent.
   The Village of Pinehurst is a residential and resort community, the major industries of which are recreation, tourism, and a regional medical center along with the land uses that provide the needed goods and services for the convenience of the community. It shall be the primary goal of this Ordinance to preserve the Village's unique visual content. In all decisions affecting land use, it shall be Village policy to encourage adherence to this goal by protecting its Village Center with its shops and homes and by encouraging any further development of the Village of Pinehurst as a residential, and resort community. To this purpose, those activities and land uses not compatible with a residential and resort area, such as intense industrial uses, extensive commercial districts, structures and signs that are not in context with the Village, shall be prohibited. Managed growth is desirable but protection of the desirable qualities of the Village is paramount to continue meeting the primary goals as defined in this Section. The continued conservation of the environmental and aesthetic character of Pinehurst as it grows and develops will be controlled and accomplished by land use regulations made with reasonable consideration given to, among other things, the character of the various areas of the Village and its environs and the unique suitability of these areas for particular uses, conservation and enhancement of property values, and encouraging the use of land in a manner which is most appropriate in view of this Statement of Intent.
   The regulations contained in this Ordinance have been adopted in accordance with the Existing Comprehensive Long Range Plan for the Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, and all other adopted village plans and policies, in order to accomplish the following goals:
   (A)   Preserve and enhance the unique historic character and ambience of the community, especially the historic Village Center.
   (B)   Guide development in an appropriate and sustainable way that will protect natural resources, reduce waste and climate impacts, and promote overall environmental health.
   (C)   Support fiscally sustainable development patterns that generate new jobs and tax revenues with lower economic and social costs.
   (D)   Provide adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks and other public infrastructure.
   (E)   Ensure that the transportation system supports community structure, enhances community character and operates effectively.
   (F)   Preserve and enhance Pinehurst's residential neighborhoods while addressing the housing needs of current and future residents.
   (G)   Establish meaningful open space and trails system that supports pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the community and allows residents to become active participants in the public realm.
   (H)   Promote the health, wellness, and safety of Pinehurst's residents.
(Ord. 14-35, passed 09-24-2014)