Storm Drainage
   (A)   The subdivider shall provide an adequate drainage system for the proper drainage of all surface water. The design of such a system shall be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer in accordance with Village of Pinehurst Engineering Standards and Specifications Manual.
   (B)   No surface water shall be channeled or directed into a sanitary sewer;
   (C)   Where feasible, the subdivider shall connect to an existing storm drainage system. In the absence of an existing storm drainage system, the developer shall be required to channel all storm water drainage to an existing watercourse where practicable;
   (D)   Lakes, ponds, creeks and similar areas will be accepted for maintenance by the Village only if the Village Council determines that sufficient land to be dedicated for a public use not limited to the development which it lies.
   (E)   The Village shall accept no responsibility to maintain any storm drainage structures or easements, except for those lying within a Village right-of-way or traversing Village-owned property;
   (F)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a stream, lake, pond, water course or drainage way, an easement shall be provided conforming with the lines of such streams and of sufficient width as will be adequate for the purposes of maintenance as determined by the Village Engineer.
   (G)   Before installation, a complete set of construction plans for the proposed storm drainage system prepared by a registered professional engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Village Engineer.