Revisions to Approved Plats
   Any amendment or revision to a recorded final major or minor subdivision plat or portion thereof, shall be accomplished in the same manner as for original approval of a plat as required by the sections above, except for the following minor amendments:
   (A)   Allowable Changes: Upon the request of the applicant, the Village Planner may approve the following minor changes to an approved subdivision plat without further review by the Planning and Zoning Board, or Village Council:
      (1)   Combination or recombination of existing platted lots so that the total number of lots is not increased and the amended plat represents the same general lot relationships as shown in the plat prior to amendment provided, however, that:
         (a)   No lot or tract of land shall be created or sold which is smaller than the size shown on the approved plan, except when such lot or tract is re-subdivided to provide additional acreage to immediately contiguous lots or tracts, which will remain in single ownership;
         (b)   The location, function and size of drainage, easements or rights-of-way shall not be changed in any substantive way so as to impair their function as designed;
         (c)   Street alignment and block sizes shall not be changed;
         (d)   The property line between the back of the lots shall not be changed;
         (e)   The rear portion of the lots shall not be subdivided from the front part.
         (f)   Open space perimeter shall not be modified to change conditions to abutting platted lots.
      (2)   Minor field alterations to accommodate physical site conditions involving interior features of the site design, including relocation of easements, utilities and infrastructure, which represents the same general lot and easement relationships, topography, landscaping, and minimum utility standards;
      (3)   Where a subdivision is required to have a perimeter buffer and where the approved plant materials are unavailable, substitution of the approved plant materials for alternate plant materials, which will accomplish the intent of this Ordinance and the approved preliminary and final plat.
      (4)   Changes to the phasing of development.
   (B)   Revised Subdivision Plats Required: New subdivision plats are required to show the proposed changes as allowed in (a) above;
   (C)   Review by Village Planner: The Village Planner shall submit all such requests to the Technical Review Committee in order to determine the potential impact of the requested change in any requirement or code administered by other agencies of the Village;
   (D)   Standards of Review: Before approving any such change, the Village Planner shall make the following findings:
      (1)   That all changes conform to the minimum required standards for the zoning district in which the property is located;
      (2)   That all additions, alternations, and expansions shall be compatible with the existing or approved lots, easements and infrastructure, open space and common areas;
      (3)   That any additional required landscaping shall be comparable to the approved subdivision plat and shall follow Village specifications and guidelines;
      (4)   That the effect of the landscaping, buffers, or screening on the site, or on the approved subdivision plat is not diminished;
      (5)   That the number of access points to streets is neither increased, decreased, nor substantially relocated;
      (6)   That the circulation pattern provides for the safe, controlled, and orderly flow of pedestrians and vehicles;
      (7)   That the change will result in better or equal performance of the overall objectives of the approved subdivision plat and specific zoning district classification;
      (8)   That the changes do not otherwise violate any provision of this Ordinance, the Village Code, or other applicable laws;
      (9)   That the use and development of the property is otherwise in full compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance.
   (E)   Appeal: The applicant shall have the right to appeal to the Village Council the decision of the Village Planner regarding any such change. Before the Village Council makes a decision, the Planning and Zoning Board shall render its opinion on the merits of the appeal to the Village Council.