Required Improvements for Major and Minor Site Plans
   (A)   Required Features: In addition to meeting the standards set forth in Section above, the developer or applicant shall be required to do the following:
      (1)   To dedicate any additional right-of-way necessary to achieve the width required by the Village's Thoroughfare Plan for all streets adjoining the property;
      (2)   To reserve but not dedicate right-of-way for highways to which the development is prohibited from having access;
      (3)   To improve all rights-of-way adjoining the property in accordance with the requirements set out in the Village's Standards and the Village's Thoroughfare Plan;
      (4)   To install sidewalks along the frontage of existing streets. This requirement does not have to be met when it is documented by the applicant that the property is prohibited from having a vehicular driveway from the exiting street due to access control or other requirements;
      (5)   To install street signs in accordance with (B) below;
      (6)   To install street lighting in accordance with (C) below;
      (7)   To provide public water and sewer service in accordance with Village Standards and public utility providers;
      (8)   To provide required open space.
   (B)   Street Signs: Street name signs that comply with the Village Standards or NCDOT shall be placed at all street intersections. The developer shall install the signs or pay the actual cost for Village installation at the discretion of the Village or NCDOT. The developer shall be required to replace or repair any street sign which is damaged during construction;
   (C)   Street Lighting: Street lighting shall be installed by the developer with underground wiring but only at the following road junctions and crossroads that:
      (1)   Experience high volumes of periodic traffic after darkness (e.g. hospital shift changes);
      (2)   Are part of an intersection with a primary State Highway;
      (3)   Will facilitate pedestrian traffic in the Village Commercial District.