Assent and permission is given and granted unto Carolina Power and Light Company, a North Carolina Public Service Corporation of Raleigh, North Carolina, its successors, lessees and assigns, to lay, plant, extend, construct, build, erect, maintain, repair or remove its lines, poles, wires, appliances, conductors, fixtures and other appurtenances for the conducting, conveying and the transmission of power by electricity upon, along, over and under any and all the highways, roads, streets, avenues, sidewalks, alleys, lanes, bridges and other public places within and near the village, and to do all necessary acts for that purpose. Assent and permission is hereby given and granted unto the Carolina Power and Light Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, to conduct, carry on, transact and do within and near the village any and all business and exercise all rights and privileges which the Carolina Power and Light Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, under and by the terms of its charter, or otherwise is authorized, empowered or permitted to conduct, carry on, exercise, do or transact, including among other powers, privileges and rights, the right, power and privilege to use, lease, sell, convey and transmit power by electricity for manufacturing, lighting, heating, motive power or other purpose or purposes.
(1986 Code, § 13-1.1) (Ord. passed 09-21-1981)