(A)   Picketing shall be conducted only on portions of the public ways not used primarily for vehicular parking or moving traffic.
   (B)   Pickets may carry written or printed placards or signs not exceeding 24 inches in length and width promoting the objective for which picketing is done provided the words used would not tend to incite violence.
   (C)   Pickets must, if marching, march in single file, not abreast, and may not march closer together than 15 feet, except in passing one another. Pickets not marching shall remain at least 15 feet apart.
   (D)   If pickets promoting different objectives, causes, actions or policies desire to use a sidewalk that is already used for picketing, the Chief of Police or his or her designated agents shall allot a number of pickets promoting each objective to use the sidewalk on an equitable basis, proportionate to the number of objectives being promoted.
   (E)   Pickets shall be restricted to the use of the outermost half of the sidewalk or other public way nearest the street and shall not at any time nor in any way obstruct, interfere with, or block persons entering or exiting from vehicles; persons crossing streets or otherwise using the public way; the entrance or exit to any building or access to property abutting the street or sidewalk; or pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
   (F)   No person observing, engaging in or assisting in picketing shall bring to or allow to remain in the immediate area of picketing any vicious animal.
   (G)   It shall be unlawful for anyone to picket without filing a notice as required herein or without being issued a receipt of the notice.
   (H)   The provisions of this subchapter are mandatory and not merely directory, and failure to comply with the provisions of this subchapter are hereby declared to be unlawful and punishable as provided by law.
(1986 Code, § 7-15.3) (Ord. 87-24, passed 09-21-1987) Penalty, see § 95.999