(A)   All residential and nonresidential buildings shall have a physical address assigned to the property.
   (B)   Properties shall be addressed in a manner of sequence that will enable emergency services to locate the property promptly. For example, properties will be assigned addresses numbered in multiples of five, with odd-numbered addresses on one side of a street and even-numbered addresses on the other side of the street. This format will be used in all circumstances when possible, however modifications will be allowed (such as using numbers other than multiples of five) as long as the general sequence remains the same and its is possible for emergency services to locate a property in a prompt manner, in the opinion of the Village Manager, after consultation with the Police Chief and Fire Chief.
   (C)   All residential and commercial properties shall post the address numbers and shall be legible from the road to which the property is assigned. All numbers shall be sized according to NC State Building Codes and of a contrasting color to the background material in which they are posted.
   (D)   The Village Planning Director or designated representative is authorized to reassign new property numbers to existing structures and empty lots if it can be demonstrably shown that a different and more effective numbering system would better meet the needs of emergency services.
   (E)   An address change may only be made if the present assigned address is incorrect, creation of new lots necessitates a change, or it could hinder the provision of emergency services.
   (F)   The Village Planning Director or designee will notify Moore County and the US Postal Service of this change.
(1986 Code, § 12-3.4) (Ord. 01-19, passed 10-09-2001; Ord. 09-05, passed 02-24-2009; Ord. 19-18, passed 10-08-2019)