   (A)   One parking area may contain required spaces for several different uses, but except as otherwise provided in this section, the required space assigned to one use may not be credited to any other use.
   (B)   To the extent that developments that wish to make joint use of the same parking spaces operate at different times, the same spaces may be credited to both uses. For example, if a parking lot is used in connection with an office building on Monday through Friday but is generally 90% vacant on weekends, another development that operates only on weekends could be credited with 90% of the spaces on that lot, or if a church parking lot is generally occupied only to 50% of capacity on days other than Sunday, then another development could make use of 50% of the church lot’s spaces on those other days.
   (C)   If the joint use of the same parking spaces by two or more principal uses involves satellite parking spaces, then the provisions of § 152.468 are also applicable.
(Ord. passed 12-20-2001) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   If the number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter cannot reasonably be provided on the same lot where the principal use associated with these parking spaces is located, then spaces may be provided on adjacent or nearby lots in accordance with the provisions of this section. These off-site spaces are referred to in this section as satellite parking spaces.
   (B)   All such satellite parking spaces (except spaces intended for employee use) must be located within 400 feet of a public entrance of a principal building that houses the use associated with such parking, or within 400 feet of the lot on which the use associated with such parking is located if the use if not housed within any principal building. Satellite parking spaces intended for employee use may be located within any reasonable distance.
   (C)   A developer wishing to take advantage of the provisions to this section must present satisfactory written evidence that he, she, or they has the permission of the owner or other person in charge of the satellite parking spaces to use such spaces. The developer must also sign an acknowledgment that the continuing validity of his, her, or their permit depends upon his, her, or their continuing ability to provide the requisite number of parking spaces.
   (D)   Persons who obtain satellite parking spaces in accordance with this section shall not be held accountable for ensuring that the satellite parking areas from which they obtain their spaces satisfy the design requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. passed 12-20-2001) Penalty, see § 152.999
   Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subchapter, whenever:
   (A)   There exists a lot with one or more structures constructed before the effective date of this subchapter;
   (B)   A change in use that does not involve any enlargement of a structure is proposed for such lot; and
   (C)   The parking requirements of § 152.461 that would be applicable as a result of the proposed change cannot be satisfied on such lot because there is not sufficient area available on the lot that can practicably be used for parking, then the developer need only comply with the requirements of § 152.461 to the extent that:
      (1)   Parking space is practicably available on the lot where the development is located; and
      (2)   Satellite parking space is reasonably available as provided in § 152.467; however, if satellite parking subsequently becomes reasonably available, then it shall be a continuing condition of the permit authorizing development on such lot that the developer obtain satellite parking when it does become available.
(Ord. passed 12-20-2001) Penalty, see § 152.999