If any person, firm, or corporation shall violate the provisions of §§ 91.30 and 91.31, it shall be the duty of the Mayor or someone designated by him, her, or them to give notice to the owner or the occupant of said premises or lot, as provided by § 91.33, directing that within ten days from the date of such notice the offending material as described in §§ 91.30 and 91.31 be removed from said premises or lot; provided, that if the animal or vegetable matter on such lot is in such dangerous condition as to admit no delay in its removal, the Mayor may, without said notice, proceed to direct and effect the removal of same, and the cost thereof shall be charged against such lot or lots as is provided in § 91.99.
(Prior Code, § 8-3) (Ord. passed 3-4-1979) Penalty, see § 91.99