13.36.440   Best management practice requirements.
   Best management practices (BMPs) are policies, practices, or procedures implemented to mitigate the adverse effects of FOG.
   All FSFs must develop and implement BMPs which, at minimum, shall include the following:
      • Pouring all grease and oil from pots and pans into a waste grease container stored in close proximity to the pot washing sink and not down the drain;
      • Scraping off of all solids or FOG on plates, pots and pans into the garbage can;
      • Pre-washing plates with cold water over a small screened catch basin positioned over the drain and disposing the contents of the catch basin in a garbage can;
      • Disconnecting all food waste disposal devices, unless the Discharge is screened or goes through a solids separator prior to Discharge;
      • The posting of signs above vegetable prep sinks not protected by a grease Pretreatment device, stating clearly in all applicable languages: "NO WASHING OF POTS, PANS, DISHES OR UTENSILS - VEGETABLE PREP SINK ONLY";
      • Periodic training of current and new employees regarding the effective use of the BMPs.
(Ord. 2013-32 (part), 2013)