13.36.400   Statement of policy.
   The Pima County regional wastewater reclamation department's industrial wastewater control section is authorized to determine the compliance status of food service facilities (FSF) where fats, oils and grease (FOG) of vegetable or animal origin are discharged directly or indirectly to the POTW. These discharges can contribute to line blockages or sanitary sewer overflows.
   For the purpose of this chapter and pretreatment requirement determination, FSF's are defined as those facilities the Pima County health department requires to install and utilize a manual ware-washing three compartment sink.
   The purpose of these rules is to set forth uniform requirements for all food service facilities that discharge into any public or private collection system connected to the POTW. Any new FSF or existing facility making a modification requiring the submittal of plans for construction or tenant improvements must meet the requirements of this grease management program. Facilities without pretreatment, or whose grease-bearing waste-streams are not connected to a pretreatment device, must upgrade their system to the requirements of this chapter or obtain an industrial wastewater discharge permit.
   Existing facilities that were built to previously adopted plumbing codes' standards need not bring current their pretreatment system unless they are found to have caused or contributed to grease accumulation in the line or odor generated by grease accumulation.
(Ord. 2013-32 (part), 2013)