4.01.100   Indigent care at private or university medical facility.
   A.   Whenever it is necessary for an indigent to receive care at a private medical facility or a medical facility operated by a university, the cost of such care shall be paid only in accordance with A.R.S. 11-297.01 and the provisions set forth below.
   B.   When an indigent is treated in the emergency room of a private or university medical facility and is not admitted for inpatient care, the county shall be liable for costs incurred provided the following conditions are met:
      1.   The patient's medical care is due to an emergency which requires immediate medical care for the preservation of life or limb; and
      2.   The patient is currently eligible for Pima County Medical Assistance, or completes a face to face interview for eligibility within thirty days of care and is determined to have been eligible at the time care was rendered; and
      3.   The medical facility submits an official notification to the county within twelve hours of services provided; and
      4.   The medical facility conforms with billing and utilization review procedures established by Pima County.
   C.   When an indigent is hospitalized for emergency treatment at a private medical facility or a medical facility operated by a university, the county shall be liable for costs incurred provided the following conditions are met:
      1.   A physician has determined that an indigent's medical care is due to an emergency which requires immediate care for the preservation of the individual's life or limb; and
      2.   The emergent condition of the patient is such that it is deemed medically inadvisable to transport the patient from the private medical facility or medical facility operated by a university for further treatment; and
      3.   The medical facility complies with the following provisions:
         a.   The medical facility through the medical or nursing staff gives oral or written notice to Pima County within twelve hours after the patient is admitted for treatment.
         b.   Such notice shall state the location, name, address and condition of the patient.
         c.   In the event the notice requirements set forth above are not complied with, the count will reimburse the medical facility for costs incurred beginning at the time a proper notification is received by the department.
(Ord. 1991-2, § 1 (part), 1991)