13.36.080   Additional discharge limits.
   A.   quantitative or other limitations intended for application to general users and not for inclusion only on individual permits, shall be proposed to the board of supervisors by the director after a public hearing. The director shall provide notification at least forty-five days prior to the public hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Pima County and by a written notice to any person who has filed a request for notification with the director. The notice shall contain a brief description of the nature of the proposal to be considered, the time and place of the hearings, and the projected date that a proposal shall be made to the board of supervisors for approval of discharge limits.
   B.   When the director determines that a user is discharging to the POTW any waste not previously identified as prohibited in such amounts as may interfere, pass through, or upset the operation of the POTW, the director shall: (1) advise the user of the impact of the contribution on the POTW; (2) develop a discharge limitation for such user to correct the interference with the POTW; and (3) require the user to comply with the discharge limits.
(Ord. 2013-32 (part), 2013)