4.01.010   Definitions.
   For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   A.   "AHCCCS" means Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.
   B.   "AHCCCS Rules" means administrative rules promulgated by the AHCCCS Director pursuant to legislative directive and occurring in the Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) at R9-22-101, et seq.
   C.   "ALTCS" means Arizona Long Term Care System.
   D.   "Applicant" means a person or household completing an application for county subsidized medical care.
   E.   "Application" means a statement made under oath by an applicant or his/her duly appointed representative for purposes of qualifying for medical care under A.R.S. 11-297 and 11-293.
   F.   "Application form" means a form(s) prescribed by the Pima County department of medical assistance for the determination of eligibility for county subsidized medical care.
   G.   "A.R.S." means Arizona Revised Statutes.
   H.   "Authorized representative" means a person legally authorized by an individual to act in his/her behalf for purposes of executing a complete and true application for eligibility, or for purposes of representation in an appeal hearing.
   I.   "Average annual income" means that which is calculated by multiplying by four the income for the three months prior to application (A.R.S. 11-291.01).
   J.   "Categorically eligible" means any public welfare recipient (Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Supplemental Security Income) and any foster home child whose care is paid for from state or federal funds, whose membership in this category makes him/her automatically eligible for medical care.
   K.   "Confidentiality" mean the principle which requires the department of medical assistance to protect all information accumulated concerning an applicant and his/her eligibility application.
   L.   "Denial" means formal disapproval of an application for eligibility for county subsidized medical services.
   M.   "Department" means the Pima County department of medical assistance.
   N.   "Eligibility interviewer" means a person designated and authorized to perform the eligibility function for the department.
   O.   "Eligibility manual" means the written manual prepared by the director of the department of medical assistance.
   P.   "General care services" means services provided for a patient other than long-term care services.
   Q.   "Income" means the gross amount of all consideration received by an applicant or a household regardless of source or form, less estimated federal tax, state tax and FICA. Loans with a legal, written obligation for repayment, portion of grants and scholarships awarded and expended for payment of education expenses, and if self-employed, the cost of wages (except wages paid to self and household members), business supplies and materials actually expended shall not be included in income.
   R.   "Long-term care services" means nursing care institution services, supervisory care services and adult foster care services.
   S.   "Net average annual income" means that which is calculated from the gross amount of all consideration received by an applicant or a household regardless of source or form, less federal tax, state tax and FICA. Net annual income is computed by multiplying by four the income is computed by multiplying by four the income for the three months immediately prior to the application date. Loans with a legal obligation (as defined by the AHCCCS Administration) for repayment, portion of grants and scholarships awarded and expended for payment of educational expenses, and, if self-employed, the cost of wages (except wages paid to self and household members), business supplies and materials actually expended shall not be included in income. Valid medical expenses and materials actually expended shall not be included in income. Valid medical expenses incurred within the past twelve months from the date of the application decision, for which the applicant is responsible, shall be deducted from income.
   T.   "Redetermination" means a reevaluation of eligibility. Cases which will normally result in an applicant's reevaluation include eligibility expirations, verification disagreements, contested information.
   U.   "Resident" means a person who has established a domicile and is physically present in Pima County and who can establish by a preponderance of credible evidence that he/she intends to remain in Pima County for an indefinite period of time.
   V.   "Right of appeal/right of redetermination" means an applicant's right to request a redetermination of eligibility.
   W.   "U.S. legal status" means a citizen or an alien qualified pursuant to 42 CFR 435.406(a).
   X.   "Withdrawal" means the voluntary cancellation of an application by written or oral request from the applicant.
(Ord. 1993-95 § 1 (part), 1993: Ord. 1991-2 § 1 (part), 1991)