11.38.060   Compliance.
   The county procurement director shall monitor compliance, including the investigation of claimed violations, and promulgate administrative rules and regulations to implement and enforce this article. In the event of any violation of the provisions set forth in this chapter, the contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages and shall pay the eligible employee any amounts underpaid. The provisions in eligible contracts may allow any one or more of the following remedies in the event of a written determination of a noncompliance:
   A.   A penalty imposed by the county in the amount of $50.00 for each incidence of a noncompliance for each day of noncompliance and/or each day it continues.
   B.   Suspension of further payments on the contract until the violation has ceased.
   C.   Suspension and/or termination of the contract for cause.
   D.   Debar or suspend the contractor or subcontractor from future county contracts pursuant to Chapter 11.28.
   Protests or appeals of the remedies for noncompliance shall be handled under Chapter 11.20.
(Ord. 2002-1 § 1 (part), 2002)