11.16.020   Outreach.
   A.   Conditions for Use. In selecting construction firms for projects involving less than the competitive bidding amounts established in A.R.S. § 34-201, a procurement officer shall request price quotations from as many firms as is practicable, including available, certified SBE firms. The names of firms submitting quotations, and the date and amount of each quotation, shall be recorded and maintained as a public record.
   B.   Publication. As part of the project specifications, a procurement officer shall publish a listing of certified SBE subcontracting firms that are available and willing to work on each individual project, and describe the portion of work that each SBE is capable of performing. Such listing shall be accompanied by:
      1.   A request that the prime contractor obtain price quotes and consider entering into subcontracts with listed SBE firms; and
      2.   A request that the prime contractor participate in a post-award conference in order to ascertain why listed SBE firms received or failed to receive subcontracts.
   C.   Subcontractor Utilization. Procurement officers shall collect and maintain information regarding actual subcontractor utilization, including a description of firms utilized, work performed, and dollar participation of subcontractors. This information shall be forwarded to the procurement department at the end of each project for purposes of monitoring and reporting.
(Ord. 2011-14 § 5 (part), 2011; Ord. 2009-88 § 1 (part), 2009: Ord. 1997-45 § 1, 1997)