The community advisory committee may request information regarding the following, but shall not alter these requirements or their applicability:
A. Pima County ordinances;
B. Pima County Department of Transportation engineering design standards and procedures;
C. Federal Highway Administration, Arizona Department of Transportation Standards, American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials, and the Institute of Traffic Engineers design criteria, and other generally accepted engineering and safety principles and standards;
D. Pima County regional long range transportation plan roadway designations;
E. Pima County Department of Transportation adopted typical roadway cross sections;
F. Pima County Department of Transportation design and posted speed limit standards and procedures;
G. Pima Association of Governments traffic projection modeling;
H. Pima County capital improvements program funding allocation;
I. Federal and state historic, cultural, and archaeological site protection requirements;
J. Federal and state endangered species protection requirements;
K. Federal and state wildlife habitat protection requirements;
L. The Americans With Disabilities Act.
(Ord. 2006-31 § 1 (part), 2006; Ord. 1992-69 § 6.5, 1992)