A. A public meeting shall be held at least once during each of the following steps in project development:
1. During the process of preparing a location report, if applicable;
2. During the process of preparing a design concept report, and;
3. During the process of preparing an environmental assessment and mitigation report.
A general public invitation to each public meeting shall be posted on the Pima County Department of Transportation website and shall be given in a display ad published in at least one daily newspaper of general circulation in Pima County not less than fifteen and not more than thirty calendar days before the meeting. The website posting and display ad shall include a project location map and a description of the prominent features of the proposed project. Invitations to each public meeting shall be sent by mail to each person on the mailing list (see Section 10.56.100).
B. Public meetings shall be held in reasonable proximity to the proposed project site. Illustrations to assist the public to visualize the proposed project shall be available for public viewing at each public meeting, and Pima County staff and consultants shall be available to answer questions about the proposed project. The public shall have access to the illustrations, staff, and consultants for each public meeting. Following the public meeting, project illustrations may be posted on the Pima County Department of Transportation website in addition to being available upon request.
(Ord. 2006-31 § 1 (part), 2006; Ord. 1992-69 § 5.3, 1992)