10.56.040   Project initiation.
   A project may be initiated after the desirability and necessity for the project is established by action of the Board of Supervisors or by inclusion of the improvement in the regional transportation plan adopted by the Pima Association of Governments. After corridor planning has occurred, the project design process shall begin with an environmental screening and inventory. If previous corridor planning has determined an analysis of alignment alternatives is required, this analysis shall be performed and documented in a location report. The location report shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors. An analysis of design alternatives and design criteria shall then be documented in a design concept report. In conjunction with the preparation of the design concept report, the appropriate measures to mitigate the impacts identified during the environmental screening shall be identified. These mitigation measures, as well as the environmental screening and inventory, shall be documented in an environmental assessment and mitigation report. Upon approval of the design concept report by the Director, and the environmental assessment and mitigation report by the Board of Supervisors, preparation of project plans beyond the design concept stage and specifications shall begin.
(Ord. 2006-31 § 1 (part), 2006; Ord. 1992-69 § 4.1, 1992)