10.52.100   Location of collection bins.
   A.   Newspaper collection bins shall be located only along streets that fall within the definition of collector street or major street as set forth in Pima County Code Section 18.69.020A3 and 8.
   B.   No newspaper collection bin shall be located along an alley, local access street, local service street, local street, or minor street, as defined in Pima County Code Section 18.69.020A.
   C.   No newspaper collection bin shall be located on a scenic route, as currently or hereafter designated pursuant to the Pima County Zoning Code.
   D.   No newspaper collection bin shall be located closer than three hundred feet from any intersection containing a traffic-control signal placed in accordance with Chapter 10.12 of the Pima County Code. This distance shall be measured from the right-of-way line of the intersecting street.
   E.   No collection bin shall be located closer than three hundred feet from any stop intersection or yield intersection established in accordance with Chapter 10.16 and Chapter 10.20 of the Pima County Code. This distance shall be measured from the right-of-way line of the intersecting street.
   F.   No collection bin shall be located closer than thirty feet from the edge of pavement of any road.
   G.   No collection bin shall be located within the sight triangle of any intersection, as determined by the Pima County engineer.
   H.   No collection bin shall be located closer than one hundred feet from the nearest exterior wall of any single-family residence.
   I.   No newspaper collection bin shall be located where, in the opinion of the county engineer, it will disrupt the flow of traffic or will adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the traveling public.
   J.   A newspaper collection bin may be located in one or more of the above restricted areas where, in the opinion of the county engineer, it:
      1.   Will provide a service to local residents who wish to recycle newspaper:
      2.   Will not disrupt the flow of traffic: and
      3.   Will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the traveling public.
(Ord. 1989-86 (part), 1989)