10.48.130   Green Valley Golf Course.
   A.   The Green Valley Golf Course underground district, by which name it shall be known in all proceedings, is established pursuant to the provisions in Article I of this chapter and is subject to all provisions in Article I.
   B.   The boundaries of the district are as follows:
      All of Green Valley Desert Meadows No. 1 (Lots 1 through 198) as recorded in Book 22 at Page 65 of Maps and Plats; and all of Green Valley Fairways No. 1 (Lots 1 through 235) as recorded in Book 17 at Page 76 of Maps and Plats; and all of Green Valley Fairways No. 2 (Lots 236 through 474) as recorded in Book 17 at Page 97 of Maps and Plats; and all of Green Valley Fairways No. 3 (Lots 475 through 763) as recorded in Book 18 at Page 51 of Maps and Plats; all of the above being subdivisions of record in the county recorder's office, Tucson, Arizona; and including that portion of the alley and drainage easement of Tucson Green Valley, Unit No. 1, as recorded in Book 16 at Page 76 of Maps and Plats in the county recorder's office, Tucson, Arizona, and lying between Green Valley Fairways No. 3 (Book 18, Page 51), except the westerly 100.0 feet of the alley, and including the westerly 500.0 feet of that certain easement to Tucson Electric Power Company and Southwest Gas Corporation, as recorded in Docket Book 2269 at Pages 484 through 487 in the county recorder's office, Tucson, Arizona, and located in a portion of Lot 2, Block 10 of Tucson Green Valley, Unit No. 1.
(Prior code § 37.08.030)