7.41.010   Plants designated.
   The following plants produce large amounts of allergenic wind-borne pollens which are noxious and contribute to human disease:
   A.   Common bermuda grass;
   B.   Mulberry tree;
   C.   Olive tree.
(Ord. 1991-137 § 19 (part), 1991)
7.41.020   Common bermuda grass control.
   A.   Any person maintaining lawn or open space planted in common bermuda grass shall mow that grass frequently enough to prevent pollination.
   B.   Any person owning land on which common bermuda grass has become established shall cause that grass to be cut or removed.
   C.   In no case shall bermuda grass be allowed to grow unchecked. Bermuda grass which is freely pollinating shall constitute a nuisance.
(Ord. 1991-137 § 19 (part), 1991)
7.41.030   Mulberry tree and olive tree control.
   A.   No mulberry tree or olive tree shall be sold in the county.
   B.   The sale of a mulberry tree or olive tree in the county shall constitute a nuisance.
   C.   No mulberry or olive tree shall be planted in the county.
   D.   The planting of a mulberry tree or olive tree in the county shall constitute a nuisance.
(Ord. 1991-137 § 19 (part), 1991)
7.41.040   Abatement of nuisance.
   A.   If a nuisance exists on private property, the director may order the owner or occupant to remove the nuisance within twenty-four hours at his/her own expense. The order may be given to the owner or occupant in person or left at his usual place of abode. If the order is not complied with, the director may cause such nuisance to be removed, and the expenses of removal shall be paid by the owner or occupant who caused the nuisance.
   B.   When a nuisance exists on public property, the director shall notify the responsible public official, who shall cause the nuisance to be removed.
(Ord. 1991-137 § 19 (part), 1991)
7.41.050   Exclusion.
   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to Swan Hill olive trees and Wilson olive trees.
(Ord. 1995-4 § 1, 1995: Ord. 1991-137 § 19 (part), 1991)