13.20.200   Capacity.
   A.   Purpose and applicability. This section provides requirements for managing the capacity of the conveyance and treatment systems meeting the requirements of AAC R18-9-C305. 2.05 General Permit; Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance of a Sewage Collection System, and R18-9-E301. 4.01 General Permit: Sewage Collection Systems. The Section applies to new or increases in potential discharge to the PSCS.
   B.   Determination of capacity availability. The Department manages PSCS and treatment capacity needs using three types of analysis. If capacity is not available, the Department will advise the applicant of applicant's options for constructing additional capacity.
      1.   A Type I Response provides a general analysis of the accessibility and capacity of the conveyance and treatment systems existing at the time the analysis is performed. It is not an allocation of capacity.
      2.   A Type II Response provides a more precise analysis of capacity availability existing at the time the analysis is performed and is based on the estimated demand for the proposed development. It is not an allocation of capacity.
      3.   A Type III Response provides a definitive response regarding the capacity requested for the applicant's development and is required for all new or potential increases in discharges to the PSCS. This may be an allocation of capacity.
         a.   When a Type III Response allocates capacity for the applicant's development, it expires within one-hundred and eighty (180) calendar days. If an ADEQ construction authorization or building permit is issued within that period, the allocation expires two (2) years following the issuance date.
         b.   If capacity is not fully available, the applicant will enter into a WSA to construct the system improvements required to achieve the necessary capacity.
         c.   Single family residential development for only one residence is exempt.
         d.   The Type III Response is required before approval of a private sewer connection or a SIP.
(Ord. 2019-20 § 1 (part), 2019)