The following minimum conditions shall apply based on the type of disturbance or impact proposed. The Chief Engineer may provide additional specific conditions, as needed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and the use, functionality, and integrity of the District Facility:
A. Tier 1 impacts are temporary and minimal. As such, the following conditions apply:
1. Intentional ground disturbance or construction activity, including earthmoving, road grading, blading, leveling, or vegetation removal are prohibited. Invasive species removal as described in Section 21.02.050.A is exempt from this prohibition. Temporal impacts, such as creation of tire tracks, is considered incidental to the activity unless determined by the inspector to be excessive.
2. Vegetation trimming may be allowed if required to meet the intent of the proposed impact.
3. Any disturbance identified during the final inspection shall be mitigated by the permittee.
B. Tier 2 impacts are permanent but minimal. As such the following conditions apply:
1. Unpermitted ground disturbance or construction activity, including earthmoving, road grading, blading, leveling, or vegetation removal are prohibited. Invasive species removal as described in Section 21.02.050.B is exempt from this prohibition. Temporal impacts, such as creation of tire tracks, is considered incidental to the activity unless determined by the inspector to be excessive.
2. Vegetation trimming may be allowed if required to meet the intent of the proposed impact.
3. Any disturbance identified during either the initial or periodic inspection shall be mitigated by the permittee.
C. Tier 3 impacts are on minor watercourses, District Lands, natural drainage ways, and are limited in extent. As such, the following conditions apply:
1. The proposed impact shall be constructed in accordance with the Facility Impact Permit and the associated construction plans. Any deviation from the plan that impacts the District Facility shall require written authorization by the District prior to construction.
2. The permittee shall call the District for inspection at the milestones identified on the Facility Impact Permit.
3. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.02.110.
4. As-built plans of the authorized activity shall be submitted to the District within 30 days of project completion, which may include material certifications and engineer of record inspection documentation.
D. Tier 4 impacts are on any major watercourses, any impact to District Structures, and include construction of structures that the District will maintain. As such, the following conditions apply:
1. The proposed impact shall be constructed in accordance with the Facility Impact Permit and the associated construction plans. Any deviation from the plan that impacts the District Facility shall require written authorization by the District prior to construction.
2. The permittee shall call the District for inspection at the milestones identified on the Facility Impact Permit.
3. The Applicant shall comply with provisions of Section 21.02.110.
4. As-built plans of the authorized activity shall be submitted to the District within 30 days of project completion, which may include material certifications and engineer of record inspection documentation.
(Ord. 2018-FC1 § 1 (part), 2018)