18.68.010 Purpose.
   A. Purpose. The purpose of this zone is to:
      1. Promote the health, education, culture, and general welfare of the community;
      2. Encourage livable and well-functioning neighborhoods and improved economic development;
      3. Promote and facilitate the development and redevelopment of by-passed, underutilized, or abandoned properties;
      4. Remediate deteriorated, blighted, and unsafe conditions in older neighborhoods;
      5. Stimulate re-investment in properties that will contribute to the creation of employment opportunities and improve the overall economic viability of the community;
      6. Implement and adopt effective infill, redevelopment and revitalization in Community Development Target Areas;
      7. Strengthen the community's tax base, increase property values, and contribute to more efficient land-use patterns;
      8. Encourage the reuse of historic, unique or significant buildings;
      9. Provide a mix of allowable uses to support smart growth, walkable and bikeable places, transit use, and compatible housing types and services; and,
      10. Strengthen and densify existing neighborhoods to preserve community character and sustainability.
(Ord. 2018-31 § 2 (part), 2018)