A. SBE Participation Assigned Weight in the Evaluation Criteria. In selecting architects and engineers and other professional services, not including the medical and legal fields, the county will:
1. Develop a consistent method of evaluating and selecting professional services contractors across county departments; and
2. Award points (up to ten percent of the available points) as part of the evaluation criteria for the participation of certified SBEs and joint ventures of SBE and non-SBE firms, and/or equal opportunity compliance.
a. A&E professional service participation points will be awarded for any certified local SBE;
b. Non-A&E professional service participation points will be awarded for any certified local SBE when the procurement department procures the professional services.
3. Make county guidelines available to firms in advance of submitting proposals.
B. Waiver. The award of points as part of professional service evaluation criteria is a narrowly tailored, flexible, and responsive measure, which allows for waiver upon approval of the procurement director when less restrictive, equally effective remedial measures are available and utilized.
(Ord. 2017-28 § 3, 2017: Ord. 2011-15 § 1 (part), 2011: Ord. 2009-47 § 1 (part), 2009: Ord. 2003-63, 2003; Ord. 1997-44, 1997)